Lead Generation –The 4 Step Process

lead generation, telemarketing services, lead generation companyMany often wonder just how exactly the lead generation process goes. This, however, can happen in different ways depending on what type of marketing approach you make use of. One thing is for certain though and that is it gets you desirable results.

One method that is favored by many types of business is lead generation through B2B telemarketing. Although we have other marketing approaches available to us nowadays, such as email marketing, content marketing and other inbound approaches, telemarketing is still favored by professionals due to its speed and overall functionality.

What people really appreciate about telemarketing is that it is all about quality service, efficiency and cost-effectiveness. But that still does not answer the question of how the process of generating leads goes. To enlighten you, here is how a telemarketing services provider does their business in generating high-quality leads.


1.) Doing research on a target industry.

Before any successful lead generation telemarketing campaign can take place, proper research needs to be done. Depending on which target industry a telemarketing firm has to deal with and generate leads from, they will research all the latest trends and understand the demands within the market they face.


2.) Brand study: study of a company, its products and services.

After doing research on a certain industrial sector, the next step in the process is to do a brand study. Telemarketing companies make sure to understand what it is their clients are selling in order to obtain a better understanding and perspective on how to create effective approaches to their prospects within their target industry.


3.) Creation of the call script.

The next part of the plan is to create the call script. Sure, telemarketers are without a doubt excellent sales people but we want to at least exercise a form of control on our campaigns, right? This form of control can come in the guise of a call script. The telemarketers that call for your campaign will refer to this script as their sales spiel, for their rebuttals and other purposes that needed be handled during the course of a sales call. This way, you can make sure that your callers say only what you want to say rather than leave it to their discretion on how to best handle the situation at hand.


4.) Calls start being made.

Once all the above have been done, actual calling can now start. The research has been done, a study of the client’s brand has been conducted, and a call script has been created for the campaign’s telemarketers to use. Once calls start being made, it is only a matter of time until the results come in.

Lead generation is not an easy process. A lot of time and effort must be put into a campaign before it can even hope to be effective enough in terms of generating good leads. However, once all the research and study is done, a lead generation company such as a telemarketing firm can truly start getting desirable results.

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